Sunday 12 December 2010

Import successful!

Hello! I tried to import the posts from my Wordpress blog using a converter website but- of course- it didn't work. So I copied and pasted my more popular posts. You can view my original blog at if you like.

I'm trying to set everything up at the moment as I get used to using Blogger. I need to work on the theme and work out how to insert a custom header.

Please have patience whilst comes to life, bigger and better than the Wordpress version.

Sorry if I haven't made anything particularly clear in this post; I have just enjoyed had a large glass of white wine and I am struggling to type this without spelling mistakes. Thanks goodness for spell check, eh!?

Anyway, I hope that Blogger will make things easier for me as a blogger... it will certainly be nice to be able to subscribe to people's blogs and read them more easily, staying updated! And it will be nice to finally not have people asking me, "Oh how can I subscribe to your blog?". The answer is now Google Friend Connect, guys! I look forward to having proper subscribers! 

I love you all. Have a great evening, 
G xxxxxx

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