Thursday 23 December 2010

Nobody reads this blog any more! I shouldn't have moved from Wordpress to Blogger, after all, as all of the lovely comments and views I used to get on my Wordpress blog are something I am not getting here! :(

Anyway, I'll stop whining. I'm taking my anger out on you guys. I've had a crap time recently, and have been partying and getting off with random guys to drown my sorrows because I'm so pathetic. My boyfriend hates me. I confessed all to him and he's gone all cold on me and won't answer my calls or reply to my texts. So I think my relationship is over, and it's all my fault. Hate me all you want... I deserve it, after all.

I'm posting to say that I'm going to have a break from blogging for the rest of 2010, and then hopefully I can come in to 2011 with a bang and create some really good posts. One of the reasons for my decision is the fact that I don't have a camera any more and I really want to be able to get one and then take pictures of everything from my outfits to my favourite things to my latest purchases, so then my blog will have more of a personal touch (I hope). My plan is to wait until the sales after Christmas to buy a camera with the money I shall (hopefully) receive on December 25th. 

Enjoy your Christmas, everybody
Love from G. X
I get drunk and I come home and cry
And I think about my friend
Dead, lying in the bed 
While I'm chatting in the corridor

And it's terrible, because I just left her there
I'll never forgive myself
The line between life and death
So narrow, so easy to trip over into the wrong side
Like CC did

And I think
I spend the majority of my life discussing material things
Dresses, shoes, bags

It doesn't matter
All that matters is being happy and being alive, healthy
I am so lucky to be alive

I miss you Mills
My beautiful friend
Life isn't fair
They should have taken me
A rotten human being

Sunday 12 December 2010

Import successful!

Hello! I tried to import the posts from my Wordpress blog using a converter website but- of course- it didn't work. So I copied and pasted my more popular posts. You can view my original blog at if you like.

I'm trying to set everything up at the moment as I get used to using Blogger. I need to work on the theme and work out how to insert a custom header.

Please have patience whilst comes to life, bigger and better than the Wordpress version.

Sorry if I haven't made anything particularly clear in this post; I have just enjoyed had a large glass of white wine and I am struggling to type this without spelling mistakes. Thanks goodness for spell check, eh!?

Anyway, I hope that Blogger will make things easier for me as a blogger... it will certainly be nice to be able to subscribe to people's blogs and read them more easily, staying updated! And it will be nice to finally not have people asking me, "Oh how can I subscribe to your blog?". The answer is now Google Friend Connect, guys! I look forward to having proper subscribers! 

I love you all. Have a great evening, 
G xxxxxx

Wednesday 1 December 2010

Icon: Diane Birch

I fell in love with Diane after discovering her in NYLON’s music issue back in 2009. She just looked so gorgeous with her long dark hair and heavy fringe (she actually inspired me to get a full fringe again). Her début album, Bible Belt, is beautiful. She  My favourite tracks- though I love them all- are Nothing But a Miracle, Valentino and Fools. If you haven’t bought her album then I urge you to go out to buy it as, I promise, you will not regret it.
I have chosen Birch as a ‘style icon’ to feature on this blog because- obviously- I love her style. She dons the loveliest vintage garments, prettiest jewellery, hottest hats and she pulls off maxi skirts really well! And I like her oversized vintage sunglasses. What do you think of Diane’s music and her style?